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Hello and welcome to the Ong Innovations News Letter. Here you will find the recent efforts of Ong innovations. We are a company devoted to advancing the holographic revolution.


Ong innovations couldn't be more excited about the recent release of the HoloLens 2.Here at Ong Innovations we strategize, we design, and we build. We use these skills to work alongside clients who want to use the HoloLens in their desired field of work. From showcase apps, interactive experiences, and much more. But now HoloLens 2 has broadened the horizon. With advancements like finger tracking, eye tracking, and advanced usability, we will be able to use our preexisting applications and skills to create more interactive and productive AR experiences. With these recent advancements and our history with HoloLens, we plan to be on the forefront of the mixed reality efforts. For more info you can tune into Sean Ong’s YouTube channel with Levi Lais as they discuss their thoughts on relevant AR, VR, and MR advancements.


We have also made recent strides in VR entertainment. With the rise of VR games and applications, we desired to offer a special service for companies in the entertainment industry. Our services is called ManuVR. The goal of Manuvr is to create an affordable and effective way to provide VR stations for entertainment facilities. This goal has been extremely successful and will continue to be an avenue that Ong Innovations explores. For more info visit us at


Ong Innovations also submitted to two separate grants in the month of February. The first grant was a conceptual idea using the Bose AR glasses. This submission was at Austin’s Capitol Factory. Being an Austin based company ourselves, we wanted to dig in our roots in the community around us. Our submission was comprised of a video and a concept using the Bose AR glasses. The second submission was with the Unity for Humanity Grant. We were 1 of 300 submissions with the goal of explaining how we have a positive impact on our planet. Submitting our very own “Smart City” APP which was originally a HoloLens application and is now available for ios and android devices. In our app we explain the effectiveness of efficient energy in our world.


Ong Innovations also had early access to Microsoft’s spacial anchors. A cloud-based system that enables multiple users to interact with holograms across many devices. This will enable users to access what we are calling the internet of holograms. This interactive experience was the same one which was announced at Microsoft’s mobile world congress. We are excited to use this system to advance holographic computing. 


Ong Innovations also started and completed a training curriculum with Unity. This curriculum offers advanced HoloLens development training for those who desire to improve their development skills.

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